Connexa is proud of what we do, enabling New Zealand communities to have better access to modern wireless and mobile services.
Connecting community
Connexa is proud of what we do, enabling New Zealand communities to have better access to modern wireless and mobile services. In other words, allowing everyone to enjoy the connectivity they need to go about their personal, family and business lives.
As New Zealand’s use of digital services continues to grow each year, more infrastructure needs to be built and existing infrastructure has to be upgraded. Connexa takes care of this by building, operating and maintaining the mobile tower infrastructure in our communities to ensure everyone has access to the services they need.
It’s our job to build infrastructure in the right place, at the right time for mobile networks to provide the very best mobile services. We look to utilise existing street infrastructure to maximise services for the community and reduce the footprint of the infrastructure. We also ensure our infrastructure is appropriately placed in communities by complying to NZ Standards and the RMA.
Wherever it's possible, we look to a co-location solution. This is where multiple telecommunication operators install their antennas and equipment on a single tower, reducing the overall cost and space requirements.
Connexa complies with all regulatory approvals.
When we install integrated telecommunications equipment across New Zealand, we’re regulated by the Telecommunications Act 2001. We also work within the guidelines of the National Environmental Standard for Telecommunications Facilities (NESTF).
Activities that fall outside the NESTF are managed through the local Council Unitary and/or District Plan. To find out more, visit your local Council website.